Just Wait...

Declaration of Performance

The official documents

Declarations of Performance and certifications

Declaration of Performance (DoP)

On 1 July 2013, Regulation no. 305/2011, CE marking on Building Products, entered into force.

As of this date, we, as a producer and distributor, are responsible for the correct CE marking of our Building Products. In addition, we are required to communicate a Declaration of Performance of our façade, wall and ceiling products to our customers.

These Declarations of Performance are from a report drawn up by Efectis on behalf of LvdB.

Click here to download the Declaration of Performance – DoP of our façade, wall and ceiling products.




PEFC certificaatnummer: CH12/0315

Click here to download the policy statement of PEFC.

Click here to download the PEFC certificate.



FSC certificaatnummer: SGSCH-COC-001235

FSC_NL1Click here to download the policy statement of  FSC®.

FSC_NL2Click here to download the FSC® certificate.


KOMO Certificaat

komo-glaslattenClick here to download the KOMO certificate.




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