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About Lambert van den Bosch

From wagon maker to producer and importer

The story of Lambert van den Bosch

The history of Lambert van den Bosch in Ede played out mainly in Veenendaal, where the company was established for the first 97 years of its existence. Lambertus van den Bosch, who actually wanted to become a wagon maker like his father, instead decided for a career in wood in 1906. After the initial successful years, the company, still called Houthandel L. van den Bosch at that time, also had some setbacks. Despite the different compulsory moves and a huge fire, the family business nevertheless managed to survive until this day.

As the fourth generation, we are proud to present to you the company our family has been working on for over 100 years.


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Our history

the fourth generation


100 years of LVDB

In early 2006, Lambert van den Bosch BV celebrated the 100th anniversary of the company, which grew from a one-man business on the Hoofdstraat in Veenendaal into a thriving timber industry and glulam factory with more than 60 employees in Ede. Meanwhile, two of the three sons of Bert van den Bosch, Niels and Lambert van den Bosch, already the fourth generation of the family, are managing the family business today.

Heko Spanten

1995 - now

Lambert van den Bosch BV in Ede

During the 1990’s, it became clear that the town of Veenendaal would like Lambert van den Bosch BV to move away from the centre of Veenendaal. Since the city Veenendaal did not have the land to move the timber yard, Bert van den Bosch acquired the glulam factory Heko Spanten in Ede, founded in 1921, in 1998. The location in Ede was large enough to accommodate both companies. After thorough preparation, the move from Veenendaal to Ede took place in the summer of 2003.

Greenline and LamboWood

1980 - 1995

In-house production

On the terrain of the timber yard, Bertus van den Bosch had an increasing number of wood warehouses and workshops built, followed in 1980 by the first paint shop for the painting of skirting boards. In 1988 his son Bert took charge of the company. In 1991 Lambert van den Bosch BV was the first to launch the large-scale production of super smooth, profiled MDF mouldings and skirting boards in the Netherlands under the name Greenline. After this, Bert van den Bosch developed the LamboWood system, wherein wood is modified by first completely drying it and then heating it.

A new direction

1955 - 1979

Timber yard and wholesaler

In 1955 Lambert van den Bosch BV was hit by a major fire. The sawmill could barely be saved from the blaze that night. Until this day, the cause of the fire is unknown. In 1956 the Van den Bosch brothers established Vebotex in the old workshop at the Kerkwijk to sell sheet materials, paint and hardware to do-it-yourselfers. In 1961, Herman Hendrik continued this business alone and entrusted his brother Bertus with the wholesale/sawmill and planing mill under the name Houthandel Lambert van den Bosch BV. In the sixties the sawmill also started importing Scandinavian wood. The timber yard purchased tree stumps which they harvested locally and cut themselves.

A new location

1930 - 1954

Time of crisis and World War II

After the war, Lambert van den Bosch BV energetically went back to work by purchasing, harvesting and cutting down domestic trees such as beech, Douglas fir (Oregon pine), oak, European pine, elm, larch, poplar and pine. In the meantime, the company had been taken over by the sons of Lambert and moved to the location on the Geerseweg next to the railway line, after being ordered by the municipality of Veenendaal to move due to the growth of the company.

First licence under the Nuisance Act

1921 - 1929

Sawmill and planing mill

In 1921 Lambertus van den Bosch obtained its first licence under the Nuisance Act for the establishment of a sawmill at the Kerkewijk location in Veenendaal. A few years later, in 1929, the municipality of Veenendaal again granted Lambertus a licence. This time for the expansion of a machine for mechanical woodworking by installing a 10-horsepower electric motor to drive a planer to be installed on a parcel registered in the municipality of Veenendaal in section D with no. 1516.

How it started

1906 - 1920

One-man business Houthandel L. van den Bosch

In 1906 the one-man business Houthandel L. van den Bosch was established. From his workshop at Hoofdstraat 17 in Veenendaal, Lambertus van den Bosch started selling loads of firewood and bag shelves for the brick factories along the Lower Rhine. In 1908 he bought a piece of pasture land, intended as a storage place, at Kerkewijk 37 in Veenendaal, on which he built a workshop and a home in 1912.

from tenant to wagon maker

1685 - 1905

Van den Bosch family

Coming from the estate of Bosch in Leuvenheim, a locality in the municipality of Brummen, Hendrik Beerents van den Bosch established himself in de Klomp. His grandson Barend van den Bosch started a wool combing company in the region. His grandson Gijsbertus van den Bosch practiced the profession of independent wagon maker in the Hoofdstraat in Veenendaal, from which the timber yard later originated.