Wood is an important building material. It has been used all over the world for centuries, for example for homes, offices, furniture and flooring. The options wood offers fit the trend of sustainable, flexible, energy-efficient and healthy construction. Moreover, it comes from an inexhaustible resource: our forests. However, if we want to remain ensured of sufficient wood in the long term, we need to manage the world’s forests sustainably. Forests are of vital importance to both society and Lambert van den Bosch.
Lambert van den Bosch was founded in 1906, and we realise that, if we want to continue to be active in the wood industry in the next hundred years, sustainability in forestry is essential.
By opting for sustainable wood, we protect forests and ensure that wood will remain available in the future. Lambert van den Bosch strives for reliability, sustainability and high quality. We therefore commit ourselves to the criteria of PEFC and FSC® and we are a member of FSC The Netherlands. Also see our Declarations of Performance and certifications.